International Law Corpus

Visualizations of international law periodical content, 1869-1939.

Divisions in Clunet

Posted at — Jun 5, 2019

Clunet is subdivided into sections, each featuring a different genre of writing. If the text is mined without distinguishing between the different characters of these sections, results will be soupy. I have divided the text into these sections, following the journal’s own classification scheme. This table omits three sections that appeared for only a few years each: “Actualités”, “Revue des Revues”, and “Variétés”.

Wartime spikes are particularly notable. Unlike other journals, Clunet increased publication during wartime.

Here’s a more impressionistic streamgraph of the same content (also including the minor divisons).

Underlying code


# word count method - top level divs only
extract_data <- function(x){
  #read file
  file <- read_xml(x)
  #extract divs, get type attribute and 
  divs <- file %>% xml_find_all(".//d1:body/d1:div")
  type <- divs %>% xml_attr("type")
  feature <- divs %>% xml_attr("feature")
  filename <- x %>% gsub(".+/GitHub/ilcorpus/journals/[a-z]+/[a-z,-]+/", "", .) %>% gsub(".xml", "", .)
  year <- x %>% gsub(".+/GitHub/ilcorpus/journals/[a-z]+/[a-z,-]+/[a-z]+-", "", .) %>% gsub("-..xml", "", .)
  #find the head and p for each div
  #returns a list of data frames
  output <- lapply(divs, function(d){
    header <- d %>% 
      xml_find_first(".//d1:head") %>% 
      xml_text() %>% 
      paste(collapse=" ") %>% 
      gsub("\\s+", " ", .)
    text <- d %>% 
      xml_find_all(".//d1:p") %>% 
      xml_text() %>% 
      paste(collapse=" ") %>% 
      gsub("\\s+", " ", .)
    count <- length(tokenize_words(text)[[1]])
    tibble(head=header, count)
  #bind everything up into a tibble.
  answer <-, output)
  test_tibble <- cbind(tibble(filename = filename, year = as.numeric(year), seq = 1:nrow(answer), type = type, feature = feature), answer)

#load folder of files
clunet_files <- dir("~/GitHub/ilcorpus/journals/clunet/clunet-issues", full.names = TRUE)

# run function and make tibble
clunet_divs <- lapply(clunet_files, extract_data)
one_list <-,clunet_divs)
clunet_divs_tibble <- as_tibble(one_list, .name_repair = "minimal")

# rename NA as article, drop type column, rename feature
clunet_divs_tibble <- clunet_divs_tibble %>% 
  mutate(feature = replace_na(feature, "article")) %>% 
  rename(section = feature) %>% 

# get div names
div_names <- read_tsv("~/GitHub/ilcorpus/codes/div-codes.tsv")

# cluster by year
clunet_divs_year <- clunet_divs_tibble %>% 
  group_by(year, section) %>% 
  summarise(words = sum(count)) %>% 

# faceted table
p <- ggplot(data = subset(clunet_divs_year, section %nin% c("actualites", "publicationNotes", "revue", "varietes")),
                          mapping = aes(x = year, y = words))
p + geom_line(aes(group = `div-en`)) + 
  facet_wrap(~`div-en`) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  labs(x = "Year", 
       title = "Sections in Clunet, 1874-1939", 
       y = "Words per Year",
       caption = "Will Hanley, ILCorpus")

# streamgraph
streamgraph(clunet_divs_year, key="section", value="words", date="year") 
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